Lived Experience Advisory Board

Lived Experience Advisory Board

Santa Fe Lived Experience Advisory Board (LEAB)

LEAB Santa Fe LogoIn accordance with Built for Zero (BFZ) best practices and based on the concept of “nothing about us without us,” efforts to establish the Santa Fe Lived Experience Advisory Board (SF LEAB) began in the fall of 2022.

Less than one year later, the SF LEAB is currently comprised of ten (10) formal members with current or past experiences of homelessness. SF LEAB members represent a variety of ages, cultures, and gender identities, and we have very unique experiences of both trauma and resiliency, which have manifested symptoms and system involvement in the areas of mental health, domestic violence, criminal justice, and substance abuse.

The purpose of the SF LEAB is to provide a voice for individuals and families who are currently unhoused in the Santa Fe community. To provide personal experience, insight, knowledge, and leadership to community leaders, service providers, and other stakeholders. To help guide policy and programmatic recommendations aimed at ending homelessness in the Santa Fe area.

Santa Fe Lived Experience Advisory Board Members

Formal members of the SF LEAB meet regularly, and gatherings consistently include participation by non-board members with lived experience who want to get involved, share their voices, and advocate for solutions to homelessness in Santa Fe.

In addition to sharing our knowledge with service providers and policy makers, the SF LEAB is committed to raising awareness for community members at large. In April 2023, SF LEAB members served as panelists for a community conversation titled, “Hearing Our Neighbors,” where we shared our experiences of homelessness and answered questions from the audience. We are also partnering with community volunteers to provide education and raise awareness on the issues of homelessness with churches, businesses, and civic organizations in Santa Fe.

By sharing our individual experiences with fellow Santa Fe residents and leaders, the SF LEAB strives to humanize the experience of homelessness, inform on viable solutions, and build bridges among the housed and unhoused. Authentic connections and deep understanding are key to the healing of our entire community…we are stronger together.

Stories from the Community

  • On September 16, 2023, Elizabeth Carovillano, host of “To Your Health” radio show, welcomed John Bacon, CPSW and Case Manager at The Life Link and Chair of the Lived Experience Advisory Board, to share his story of recovery from childhood trauma, addiction and homelessness. Click here to listen to the full podcast.
  • "What's it Like to be Unhoused?" — Panel and discussion with LEAB (Lived Experience Advisory Board) Members sharing stories of their lives unhoused and housed in Santa Fe.
Learn more about Santa Fe LEAB